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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Welfare Rant  

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The following raving is brought to you by the good folks down at social services who have allowed Welfare to become a regular source of income versus the helping hand, temporary helping hand, that it was intended to be. Every time the state needs money, the subject of welfare benefits inevitably surfaces. This program was never supposed to support any one family indefinitely or make it so single moms could stay at home. It was also not intended to provide income for families that are not even supposed to be here.

Each situation is unique I know, and I fully believe in exceptions, but generally speaking the biggest flaw in the system is a lack of imagination when it comes to addressing the glaring issues with social services. They have no idea how to fix the problems without screwing someone that really needs the help so they need to be more creative about recovering some of those funds.

I would have to look up the statistics but it is probably safe to say that few if any welfare or state disability recipients are 100% immobile. The state could very easily recoup some of the costs by having those physically able fill in those positions normally only fill-able with illegal aliens. Two birds, one stone.

If a quadriplegic can become a man like Stephen Hawking, there is simply no logical excuse for all those people out hunting, fishing, and loitering around Walmart collecting disability or welfare because they hurt their back once and can't pull green chain any more. {Logging reference}. Obviously not everyone at the store is on welfare, but lots of people on welfare are probably at that store.

These folks would be given custom made "jobs" in exchange for their benefits. Only those truly disabled would be given a pass. However if the Special Olympics have taught us anything, it is that there really isn't much a person cannot do if they are properly motivated. There in lies the problem. Supposedly fully functional people tend to be lazy. I know I am. But I don't even get unemployment so my sloth is not a burden on the rest of society. Just my husband.

Beyond all the state positions that could be filled, non profit organizations could save a bundle in taxpayer money, money that would then go to the service itself, by making use of all this fresh personnel just sitting at home with nothing to do. Anyone able to drive around the woods is certainly able to provide transportation and delivery for the truly disabled, shut ins and other bed ridden type folks.

Anyone able to feed themselves can probably dial the phone or work a pc doing fund raising and other community services generally given to volunteers, volunteers that are basically non existent since those that are most likely to volunteer are already working overtime at their day jobs.

Single parents who just can't find affordable child care so they don't even try to get gainful employment should be forming daycare circles, alternating days, each taking on the other parents kids for a day allowing everyone to at least work part time without sacrificing time with their kids. These daycare circles would be monitored and supervised by state employees. Hopefully someone that has collected benefits so no salary would be required. The less salaries the state has to pay in lieu of its new welfare work force would then be distributed among vital services, fire, ems, police and teachers.

This is not to say I don't feel you should seek help when you need it. That is what it is there for. A temporary assist, an opportunity to take control of your life. All I am saying is that no one should be under the impression they are entitled to live off the taxpayers dollar indefinitely. And if you just enjoy not having to work, being as lazy as I like to be, at least have the common decency to do it on your own dime. Failing that, try being a burden on a relative before you seek on going assistance from state funds. Thank you.


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