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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Royal Health – Exercise is Key to Weight Loss  

By Nina Nintius

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Lately I have noticed more and more of my circle expressing a desire to lose weight or just get healthier.

I happen to have some insight on this topic, having lost 90lbs over 18 months starting in 2005. I have just been hesitant to bring it up since I also managed to gain back half of it over this last year.

There were many factors which contributed to my original success, primarily; the basic dietary principals of the Glycemic Index, regular strenuous exercise and participation on a forum that coupled support with camaraderie and accountability.

My personal mantra became: Moderation Not Deprivation.

Meanwhile, the main cause of regaining the weight has simply been lack of exercise. My diet hasn't been as good as it should be either and exercise would have at least kept both the calories and the cravings in check.

Imagine if your car absorbed the extra gas or oil you put in it when you didn't drive it for a while. Your trunk would get huge.

It should not shock anyone that exercise is the key to weight loss. Burning more than you take in and creating a balance when you finally reach your goals.

Proper balanced diet makes it so much easier. Just as your car won't run without gas...don't starve your self. And you have to treat yourself as well, why bother otherwise?

It doesn't matter why I stopped exercising. I am not here to make excuses and I am not looking for sympathy because we have all been there and done that.

What matters is that I am ready to retake control again. That is all any of us can do. No matter how many times we step back we must keep pressing forward.

I know how to do it, I have already done all the research, experienced the results first hand and will help anyone who asks. Helping others will also motivate me to practice what I preach.

To learn exactly what I did and didn't do to lose all that weight, please join me in my quest to take back control, to be healthy and happy while still basically eating like a 'normal person'.

Most importantly, you must want to lose weight for your health even more than for your body shape. If you feel fine at whatever size you are then be happy!

Sexy is an attitude not a reflection. No one should feel obligated to trim up if they are comfortable as they are. Clothes come in all sizes for a reason. Find something flattering and work it baby!

If it were not for the bad knees, the sore back, the heartburn and the winded feeling I get going up a hill, I would be more than happy to hold here, its a bit heavier than I like but I have clothes that fit well enough to get my groove on.

No, I am doing this because I felt so awesome then, I cannot even describe the level of self-esteem I felt. Not just from my reflection, though that was a very nice bonus, the real benefit was that I was at last fit!

I hoisted my own butt up on a horse with my very own strength for the very first time ever in my chubby life because I no longer weighed more than I could oomph! It was as if I were weightless, like some unseen force lifted me gracefully upon the fair steed.

As I mentioned, the first time around I joined a forum for people trying to lose weight and that was very helpful. Posting my triumphs, my goals and even my set-backs was very liberating.

The accountability kept me on track and focused. I would like to do that again but this time with my own forum to pass on what I have learned and to help others feel as good as I plan to feel again.

Who's with me?

Now open, The Imperial Forum of Nina's Known Universe. A free public forum designed and managed by your Beloved Empress. Registration is required to post. Please be careful posting personal details relating to your identity.

Join the Empress as she retakes control of her body, her health, and her zest for life in the Royal Health section.

Or confer with the Empress, discuss her blog articles or anything in the Known Universe under the Imperial Community section.

Thank You For Reading!! ~99Smile

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Brain Needs A Pop Up Blocker!  

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My Brain needs a pop up blocker!
Do you remember the internet before we had pop up blockers? That is my brain lately. It goes along just fine with one thought when all of sudden...bam!! Rapid fire randomness. By the time I close out all the windows, the page I wanted is no longer available.

File Not Found: manners.exe

A funny thing happened to the Empress on her way to The Blog. She was forced to chastise several 4 yr olds name calling in the court yard over some silly sporting event. by 4 yr olds we mean supposed human beings from planet earth getting personal over which pro baseball team is the bomb and which one sucks the most or least. First of all, the news was for the fans and haters should learn manners as well as sportsmanship by letting the fans have their moment of glory. Second of all, not one of these people were exhibiting anything close to 'good-natured' ribbing. All you read was one 4 yr old after another chanting 'I know you are but what am I?' all while sticking out their fat little cyber tongues.

Putting the Cart Before the Horse

A few days ago the folks over at Nobel thought it would be fun to give President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize. There reasons for doing so were pretty thin considering the veritable swarm of alternates. Even though the Republicans are obsessed with making one issue about another, they were correct in wishing the President had declined the award for a candidate who had actually accomplished something rather than just intending to. Perhaps his advisors convinced him that it would inspire his followers or that declining would offend the committee. Democrats should have asked him not to accept it either but since this country functions in cycles of power, it is the Democrats turn to run the country and the Republicans turn to suck it up. Just as it was for the Dems during the Bush Administration.

The Missing Link Found?

Scientists recently released their findings on the discovery of the oldest fossil skeleton of an ancestor human. Discovered in 1992 and 1994, researchers needed this time to confirm their findings. Scientists speculate that Ardi, as the skeleton has come to be called being short for Ardipithecus, exchanged sexual loyalty to the male who could provide her with the most food. Well that is a revelation isn't it? 4 million years ago women were using their wiles to snag themselves a bread winner. Glad it took them 15 years to realize something any married couple could have told them in under 15 minutes.

Thank You For Reading!! ~99Smile

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