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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Reasons To Love The Internet  

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The Internet is first and foremost an interactive library with embedded communication tools for greater access to information. Human nature turned it into the elephant in the room. Humans that use the internet to access porn from the privacy of their home versus going to the corner store where they KNOW you became hopelessly addicted to the convenience. Humans already having marital issues used the internet to escape and to interact with anyone besides there spouse. Add to that a growing number of perverts who prey on naive teens desperate for someone to love and you have a very useful tool getting a bad wrap due to it's negative side effects.

Yet still a tool it is. A weapon for some with that kind of knowledge and a thirst for excitement and danger. So why don't we get as prickly when someone owns an axe or other dangerous tool made infamous in any number of horror movies as the killer's weapon of choice? Just try to tell a group of people who don't use the internet for fun that you do without them looking at you like you are an alien with green puss coming out of your eyes. Of course this blog is about reasons to love the internet so here goes.

Despite all the potential dangers of the internet, none of which are exclusive to the internet by any means, I firmly believe that it will be our salvation as a species. Simply by allowing the citizens of this planet to interact and socialize, becoming friends without borders and without politicians deciding who talks to who. I have personally participated in very civil discussions with folks from all walks of life, all corners of the globe, on topics from abortion to genocide. People I have never met in person and whom I never would have had the pleasure of talking to without the internet.

There are a lot of people out there who refuse to have anything to do with socialization in this manner. Believing that true relationships can only be formed in person. There is also a group of very good friends who would beg to differ. Granted they did all eventually meet in person, which did cement these relationships further, but ask any of them and they will tell you they had been friends for years prior to meeting. People have also met and fell in love on line, living happily ever after. Personally I find that I know my online friends better than some people I have known my whole life. You see when you communicate in text you have to be a lot more specific, plus it is easier for many to open up without the self-consciousness of being face to face. Then again, they tell me I am just easy to talk to. Maybe that is also because of the text. My short attention span is not an issue when I can read what you wrote over and over again.

It is important for everyone to have a voice in this world. The Internet is our megaphone. People are out there right now communicating with each other across the world. Politicians are being forced to either put up or shut up because one little frak up is broadcast to millions before they can say "just kidding". The Internet is a highly evolved child. It should be embraced and loved but given a few boundaries for good measure. One thing that could use improving are the "You must be 18 or over to view this page" warnings that does nothing but make a minor click one more time along with the rest of us. Now instead of all the elaborate parental controls that really just slow down your pc...how about a single script that detects that warning - which would be mandatory on all adult sites - upon detection your pc locks up and requests parents password. Without it the machine stays locked and has to be shut down. When they reboot the script would pop up again basically grounding the naughty kid from the net till his folks return.

However the number one thing that is needed to improve the safety and function of the internet is for people to use it. Use it to keep up with your kids and who is talking to them. Use it to touch base with old friends that you would never have time to go visit. Use it to discuss the latest news and other trends that you feel need discussing. Use it to research, use it to learn, use it to evolve. Use it so you are no longer disgusted by its mention. There are a lot of wonderful people out there, and just as many jerks. I would rather weed through the herd from the quiet safety of my home than out there...in public. I am too busy watching my purse and my back to get to know anyone plus when you are shopping out there no one is asking you how your day was except the checker. Online, I can shop, read, write, debate, discuss, learn, teach and have fun all at the same time.

If none of those reasons are good enough...love the Internet because that is where you will find your Beloved Empress.

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Monday, September 21, 2009

The Big Picture Globally Speaking  

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Being extremely self absorbed myself I can understand how the rest of humanity could be so indifferent to the needs of the many versus what they want for themselves. However considering we have no where else to go and our very existence relies on everything we reap from this planet, I feel it is necessary to point out a few obvious notions about the gravity of our situation.

Every time a decision is made to put humans first over the other life on this rock humanity is saying that we are so special and so neat that really we don't need a green planet, no, we just need land to build hermetically sealed buildings on so we can all live in enclosed luxury after the sky goes black.

Certainly I am not the only one who feels this way or we would not have environmentalists. Granted I don't think that we should just cold turkey our industrial nature. There are just so many things we could be doing better with more thought to the other citizens of this planet, human or otherwise. Burning oil for fuel is not a God given right and eventually it will be gone. The question is this...will humans insist that the planet be raped until every last drop is squeezed from her soul without regard to animal habitats or forests just so we can have our profits and our cars for a few more years?

Being human, regardless of what your religion tells you, does not make you better or more worthy of survival than any other life on this planet. In fact the more religious you are the more compassion you should have for all of the creatures you believe were created by God. Unfortunately since humans wrote the rules they will of course spin them in their favor. Too bad all life on this planet requires a symbiotic balance to exist and thrive. If you want proof that humanity is the blight of of the universe and not the saviors of it - just note that were we to die off or go away - this planet and the other species on it would revert to their natural balance turning the world back to the paradise it was before we dropped from the trees and started building houses.

That said, you should understand that I am a carnivore. My husband hunts and we eat what he kills. We have trees that we have cut down for lumber. This is not about tree hugging or any other extremist point of view. This is about the attitude prevalent that mankind can do as it likes without regard to the rest of the planet. That the air above you is not shared by the other billions of lungs across the globe. That the water in our ocean does not mix with the waters of the oceans on the other side of the world.

The only reason it feels like nothing can be done to create a balance between mankind and the rest of the planet is because humans do not want it. We want to take and take until its all gone then and only then will we worry about what to do next. There is no reason to drive less now that prices are coming down...no reason to recycle every can, no reason not to litter in the woods, no reason not to pour your motor oil or left over paint in the creek. What do you care? So long as you have what you want today - screw the next generation they can fend for themselves.

How can I be so sure that we as a species do not want what is best for all versus just humans?? Take a look around, read a few comments posted after any environmental article. Humans first blah blah. If you want me to believe that we are the most evolved creatures in the universe maybe we could start acting like it instead of behaving like selfish children..."Mine mine mine!"

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

In The News  

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Recently, while skimming the news online, I realized that I am more interested in the comments that follow the articles than in the articles themselves. The commenters can be quite amusing in addition to illustrating the trouble with graduating on a curve. No child left behind should mean we keep you till you get it right. No child left behind and shoved on through the shoot to make room for the next batch is making that horrible movie Idiocracy come true.

Reading comprehension is way down. At least in terms of half the people who read an article and then twist the story to the point of making it sound completely different than what I read. Makes me wonder if they read past the title before commenting? This happens a lot on forums both general and topical as well. People read a post and react rather than finishing out the thread to see that something was perhaps clarified or already apologized for...

Admittedly, I love to voice my opinion and would never begrudge anyone else the right to share their own thoughts, but at least get your facts straight in your rant. Try reading all the comments before yours so you don't sound like a parrot. Even more amusing are the truly hot issues that nearly burst into flames from the fighting going on down in the comment section. People arguing and tossing around very irrelevent insults never making a point and never offering any actual solution that they could live with, no just a long winded rant about whats wrong with the subject or the views of the other commenters.

Reading those comments is probably what has disheartened me the most about humanity. From what I can tell from these internet news hounds is that basically most of humanity is arrogant, self centered, prejudiced, self-righteous, and the more religious they are the less compassion they seem to have for non believers. Yes, there are always exceptions for whom I even have the pleasure of knowing personally, unfortunately I come across more attitude than empathy.

Perhaps that is why our government keeps trying to force us into being humanitarian toward each other along with other countries? Leaders always think if they can just force everyone to comply that in the end all will be happier for it. However self centered prejudiced people don't like to share outside their personal ideal of worthy. I cannot say that I blame them, being a bit selfish myself lately, it is hard to be a giver when you feel like you never get anything back. Though most of the people I come across who feel entitled tend to fall into my personal ideal of 'get over yourself.'

Our entire existence is basically a contradiction, with all the missing links and vague prophecies, yet people will argue as if they were there at the dawn of time. The shock would likely kill me if these folks ever admitted out loud that believing is not knowing. Religion explains what cannot be explained but there is nothing factual about it. And I will never support any law that applies to everyone yet is based solely on a religious perspective which has no place in our government. If you believe it is a sin then just don't do it. Leave the rest of us be.

Even the science of evolution is based on many, some yet to be proven theories which scientists have faith that they will prove one day just as the faithful theorize that someday their beliefs will also be proven. Still, there is plenty of evidence to make both theories possible in part, making it difficult to say if either is entirely wrong or right. There in lies the contradiction.

Which I why I choose door number 3. When and if humanity reaches a level of mental stability and emotional control the answers will be clear and will be nothing we could ever conceive currently. Whether or not that will involve some being who has been playing us like chess pieces will remain to be seen.

The ebb and flow of existence does seem to rely and react upon all parts working together. The idea that there is nothing beyond this makes as little sense as the idea that a supreme being cares who we marry or even if we kill each other off. The planet came first. The planet can survive without us, not the other way around. Any believable God would certainly care more about the planet than the monkeys who live on it.

Spouting propaganda, racism, sexism, and other ideals based on emotion instead of fact only compounds the tension ruining any chance of compromise. Often, knowing that your enemy understands your issues and is at least willing to consider a middle ground, is all it takes for you to realize that your enemy has valid issues as well and that perhaps you too can make some concessions.

Ultimately I think it would behoove most of us to at least pretend to be considering another persons point of view even if in the end you still don't agree, particularly in a public forum. There are days when I don't even agree with myself. LOL Which is why I tend to change my mind and my views a lot. Bickering like children only leads people like myself to write a blog about how ridiculously immature that behavior is. Very unbecoming as a human being in my opinion. Hardly worthy of the air being sucked in.

Additionally, if I have offended anyone in any way today, I sincerely apologize, and if I did not, please be patient, I will eventually.

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