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Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9-11-2001  

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It seemed appropriate as a blogger to toss in my own 9-11 remembrance post. At the time I was still working at the Financial Planner's office but did not have to be there until noon. My husband was trucking through San Francisco that morning and called me just after the first plane hit. I changed the channel to one covering the incident when the 2nd plane struck right before my eyes, while I was still on the phone with the Emperor.

Our work day was pretty much centered around watching the news. All of the businesses we dealt with were on the East Coast. Everything north of the Carolina's had been shut down as efforts were made to keep the bigger cities as deserted as possible.

As I recall I was uncharacteristically concerned about my husband being in such a prime location for a terrorist strike, being so near the Golden Gate Bridge in one of the most populated cities on the West Coast. Of course my demands that he turn the truck around and come home went unheeded.

In the aftermath many of us emerged with a new found sense of patriotism, proudly displaying our flags from sea to shining sea. That was until someone somewhere got the bright idea that displaying our flag on our countries soil was somehow offensive to anyone?? If we were in some other country, I certainly would not be offended by the display of their countries colors.

When the towers came down, the city of New York experienced a rare moment of brotherhood as all citizens rushed to the aide of those around them. There was no looting, just neighbors helping neighbors. Volunteers from around the country came in droves to comb the rubble for survivors. As tragic as the incident was for this country it was also a shot in the arm patriotically speaking.

So on this day of remembering let us also remember the feeling of brotherhood that we all felt toward our fellow countrymen. Those who died as innocent bystanders and those who died attempting to rescue them. The sense of pride in our country as regular citizens stepped up to help out.

And if anyone appears to be offended by your patriotism, kindly ask them to kiss your red white and blue ass, then point toward the nearest airport so they may exit this country in an orderly fashion. Because being politically correct means I won't call you any colorful derogatory names related to your place of origin...it does not mean I won't wave the flag of my country in my country for all to see.

Thank you reading and thank you for remembering.

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