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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Life in the Freelance Lane  

Whoosh! Zoom! That is the sound of millions of would be telecommuters racing past me toward potential paid work from home work.

Roughly one decade ago I realized my hidden talent for storytelling. Not to mention editorial commentary. Hush now, I said don't mention it. I also discovered some latent artistic talent using GIMP, both as an original artwork creator and as an image manipulator.

I had this blog, which I designed after learning a bit of XML coding, and the other blog, as well as the Facebook Page. I even entered exactly one short-story fiction writing contest IN 2011, made the first cut, received an encouraging critique from one of the judges, and then, well, nothing.

For some reason, I dropped the ball on the blog, and on the storytelling, and on the graphic design, or maybe I just lost my muse. The result is the same either way. Ironically, I managed to keep posting long-winded ravings on Facebook, except they ended up on my personal page, but apparently doing a blog was just too taxing on my delicate psyche.

We will never know.

The point is that I could presently have clients lining up to pay me to write for their blogs, to design their web pages, using my (what would have been) 10 years of accumulated posts, artwork, and experience writing XML code as my resume. Which of course I didn't do and no longer remember how to write the code. Or maybe my own blog would have tons of traffic by now and I would be collecting advertising revenue, with no bills.

Again, we will never know.

What we do know, is that it is never too late to start. I lost a lot of pictures and documents when my external hard-drive crashed in 2014 but it turns out that enough of my designs are still on my Zazzle and Photobucket accounts to serve as portfolio filler. And the blog posts are still here, with a few on Facebook. So it’s a place to start.

Add to all of that my recent work for the Fire District, a particularly attractive newsletter I take full credit for, and assorted odds and ends, I am well qualified, just unknown.

Once my Freelancer portfolio is fuller, perhaps I can finally start earning money as a creative artist versus an administrative paper pusher. Not that I am getting paid to do that either.

There were a few articles I wrote back then that I am updating and using in my portfolio and I am reworking the short story for re-submission to either another contest or a full publication. I am doing the same with the Adult story I wrote for the other blog. There is no real use for the BSG commentaries, unfortunately.

And I am going to take that epic novel I have been claiming to write all these years and break it down into novellas that can be self-published as a series of eBooks instead of one giant manuscript that would be a pain to get published let alone sold. I am likely to do the same with the two short stories as well.

Once I have a best-selling series on Amazon, some publisher will beg me to let them publish the whole series in one book. And then beg me to write more.

We can only hope.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Now That HeathCare Seems Inevitable; What You Need to Know  

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By Nina Nintius

Now that the passage of sweeping healthcare reforms, including a requirement that the majority of citizens buy coverage whether they want it or not, seems fated to happen, there are several key elements you should be aware of.

Probably the most important thing is that hardly any of the changes take affect before 2014 with the bulk of the bill not kicking in until 2016.

Please read the following articles from the Christian Science Monitor which do such an excellent job of summarizing each aspect of the Bill, that I could not do it proper justice in a paraphrase. Now don't let their name fool you, they are very non-partisan in the way they tackle the news. Sticking to the facts, in context while leaving the spinning to the DJ's.

Health Care 101 Part 1 - Who Must Buy Insurance?

Health Care 101 Part 2 - Who Gets Subsidized Insurance?

Health Care 101 Part 3 - What's A Health Exchange?

Health Care 101 Part 4 - How Long Will Reform Take?

Health Care 101 Part 5 - Who Will Pay for Reform?

Health Care 101 Part 6 - What Will it Mean for Business?

That is all they have done on it so far. Check back on their site tomorrow in case there is more. However, they do have several related articles about the fix package mentioned as well as President Obama's promise to sign an executive order banning the use of federal tax dollars for elective abortions thus assuring that no subsidized dollars could be used for that either.

This one concession is not going to make the bill taste any sweeter. The GOP has already stated they will do all that is possible to get this bill revoked, while several states are discussing refusal to comply. It is going to be a bumpy next 4 years as this plays out on both sides.

Things I am most afraid of; 1. The Tanning Bed Tax opens the door for taxing of anything the govt deems is bad for us or that leads to needing medical care. 2. My share of my mandated premium effects our personal budget in a negative way. 3. That the Democrats have now paved the way for a GOP takeover of Congress which may not be worse but it so won't be better.

In the interim, there will be a presidential election, and at least 2 congressional elections as well. If I had but one wish it would be that we all vote down the middle. Tell the parties they don't run this country, we do. Because by the time they get done tossing it back and forth between parties in control, revoking and reinstating it...well...hopefully the world just ends and we won't have to talk about it anymore.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Is Mother Nature Finally Defending Her Planet?  

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Mistress Monologues, By Nina Nintius ~99

"As of 27 February 2010, the EARTH'S ENTIRE human population is estimated by the United States Census Bureau to be 6,805,200,000. Because births outnumber deaths, the world's population is expected to reach nine billion in 2040,[4][5] or by 2050.[2]"


So in the next 30-40 years we are going increase our current burden on the planet by around 2.2 billion lives. It has to be a group effort to curb this folks - we really all need to be on the same page with this one. Then again, Mother Nature may already be taking steps...

According to the USGS the planet Earth has had 268 m4.5+ earthquakes in the last week, as of Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 07:16:50 PM (PST) - Pacific. Another site called Disaster Watch has a royal cache of disaster items all nicely organized complete with their source links.

Add to those today's 8.8 Earthquake in Chile, the 6.3 in Argentina and the world-wide Tsunami threat that followed Chile's quake, you really have to wonder.

Now I don't want you to think I am suddenly going all Biblical and trying to see the signs of the Apocalypse. You all know that is not my way. Natural Disasters are only disasters because we build things that are attached to the surface of the earth. We settle in one spot, dig in and make roots. For wild life and Nomadic tribes, the simply life affords them the ability to move away from danger, daily if needed.

However I just love the idea that the planet may at last be fighting back intentionally. Whether or not we caused global warming we cannot deny we have polluted and pillaged this earth all because someone once told our ancestors that God said it was their right and that all this bounty was God's gift to them.  "Go forth and populate the Earth" God allegedly told Adam and Eve.

Ok let's go with that thought for a moment. Then didn't God also supposedly give them the ability to learn and the free will to act on their acquired knowledge? When we evolved as a species and learned that no well is bottomless we were probably supposed to use our free will to moderate our usage of the planets resources - and the care of her flesh and blood - so that our planet would last us as long as possible.

Also, once we learned how to extend our lives beyond disease, beyond component failure, we should have used our free will to curb our growth as a species. To discourage even the well-off couple from having multiple children while encouraging safe sex practices among all humans.

We would have to provide free, long-term birth control to to all fertile teens and adults to accomplish this end. Daily methods require the user to be responsible for effectiveness, a shot would be better.

Sometimes a good roll with the one you love is all some people have to look forward to each day that doesn't cost money or burn gas. Thus I would never begrudge any adult the pleasure of a consenting partner, but I would behoove them to be smart and not add to the problem. 

I would also behoove parents, not voters to supervise the behavior of their teens, insuring no unwanted pregnancies occur by chaperoning and instruction.

I would never agree to any government controlled laws like those in China. That is far to extreme. Instead I would only want birth control to be free (tax payer funded), to reduce the need for abortions that no one wants to pay for, not to mention how controversial they are.

At best we could hope that couples would voluntarily have only 1 child. Or none, instead adopting some of the millions of orphans across the globe. We can discuss foreign adoption laws another time.

The way I see it though, like it or not, if we don't take control of the issue voluntarily, and Mother Earth/God doesn't shake off at least half of us, eventually 'they', the powers that be, will have no choice but to force controls on us just to keep us from starving to death.

Because the more homes you build the less land you have left to grow food on. And the more people you have eating the faster that food goes bye-bye. More people, more houses, less land, less food. Even my dust bunnies can understand that.

Now a lot of my readers will tell me that the Bible has predicted that all these things would happen, will continue to happen, and that a good deal of people are going to die before the big final battle between good and evil. That it is all apart of God's plan. And maybe it is.

Yet, if I were known to be enough of a believer in all things Biblical to sway their minds, I would suggest that perhaps it is not supposed to be taken as a prophecy but rather as a warning.

Pretty much every civilization has or had a dooms day prophecy. I think some of those cultures already experienced theirs. However it is also just logical to assume that eventual population growth would lead to a strain on resources causing wars, oppression and famine.

Impoverished areas tend to be unclean which leads to disease which leads to plagues being spread by mosquitoes. Any one with basic reasoning skills should have been able to put that together ages ago.

So ancient peoples wrote warnings about the end of days instead of warning their descendants not to pillage the Earth to prevent the end. And future generations assumed it was fated to happen as warned. At least we better hope it is just a warning because that means we can actually prevent it.

As I pointed out at the beginning, natural disasters are not necessarily signs that the Earth or God thinks we have too many people, it would be cool if they were (just for the sake of argument - not the loss of life part), but there are plenty of other bad things going on besides earthquakes and snow storms which are in fact caused by over population. At least at the core root.

My fear is that too many think they are signs, that the end is inevitable, and divinely foretold, so all they have to do is prepare for it rather than try to prevent it. Many hope or believe that a select few will be reincarnated when it is all over and given paradise to start anew.

So I guess the rest of us can just suck it then? Sorry, I know my Christians buddies do not actually have such an attitude.  It does however illustrate a point about how we as humans may perceive a concept and the attitudes we attach to that concept based on how we feel it personally affects us.

Just do your Empress a favor and for just 1 moment pretend you never read what someone else wrote in a book about what they believe God expects of you, or has promised you in exchange for your faith, and use that brain that God gave you to exercise your free will and do the right thing for the future of humanity.

It is time we stopped "going forth and populating the Earth" indiscriminately and started treating Earth like the life giving body that it is. Maybe the old folks will be impressed by our evolved thinking and offer us a reprieve. That which has the power to create has the power to change it's mind.

Otherwise the old folks, God and Mother Nature, offended at our disdain for all they have given us, might just do what no one has predicted or expects... Kill everyone. No Rapture. The End. Assuming we don't do it to ourselves first.

"A goal without a plan is just a wish." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900 - 1944)

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